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Building Your Chiropractic Brand

By June 21, 2022March 18th, 2024No Comments4 min read

What does Janes Earl Jones’s speech from the Field of Dreams have to do with you needing to build your brand in your local area? Most chiropractors when they start their practice never anticipate moving. So not that people don’t move around, sell practices, buy practices. But the vast majority of us start a practice and stay for a good 10, 20+ years.

How to Build Your Brand for Chiropractors

My theory is that if you are a local brick and mortar business, you should be focused on trying to become “small-town famous,” trying to be on top of trying to really establish yourself as a brand in your area or region, depending on how many people, how densely populated it is.

There are offices that I see people regularly driving in from 30-40 miles away. So if you’re in a rural area, you want to try to really maximize your exposure in your entire county. If you’re in a big city, you really stay focused on maybe a single neighborhood.

But no matter what, all of us are trying to influence around 100,000 people. And those 100,000 people should know inside and out what you do, where you’re located, and what we’re all about. And the more that you can build that brand, the more people are going to know, like, and trust you. And the more they are going to seek you out, without you having to do so much paid advertising.

StoryBrand Guide For Chiropractors

So I’m a big fan of organic content, but I’m also a big fan of paid advertising. But the type of paid advertising of a really big fan of it’s cheap paid advertising. When those leads come in a lot lower when they convert a lot higher. That’s where your brand is going to make a difference. If you’re just competing with other chiropractors on who’s got the lowest offer, or you are just only ever running offers when they see you on social media, eventually that’s going to become your brand.

So if you’re planning on being somewhere for let’s say 20+ years, you should have a 20 year strategy. And the only strategy that is going to last 20 years is going to be adding value. It’s going to be creating content. It’s going to be being seen as an expert in your area and around the conditions or types of patients that you want to be seen as an expert.

Chiropractic StoryBrand Website

If you’re going to be there for 20 years, and all you’re ever going to do is run, you know a coupon on whatever the platform is of the day, then I think you’re going to struggle most of the time. There’ll be ups, there’ll be downs. It won’t be consistent and it won’t grow over time.

Content is one of those things, it’s like compounding interest. It gets better and better over time. And if you can take the idea of becoming an institution like in the James Earl Jones speech, you can try to be an institution within your community. That’s where you’re really going to get the gold. So listen to James Earl Jones, you know, be something that is a thread through generations, through the decades. If you’re gonna be there for a long time, have a plan to be there for a long time. And the best plan is to be a value to your community. Hopefully that helps and we’ll see you next time.

Nick Silveri

Dr. Nick Silveri owns LVRG Media, a content marketing agency that services chiropractors who want to create great content that attracts qualified new patients.