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Can chiropractors use StoryBrand in all of their marketing?

When we create websites for chiropractors, we use the StoryBrand framework because it helps craft the message on the website. This messaging should flow through all of the different marketing that someone does, whether in the office, out in the community, or somewhere else online. The more consistent you can be with your messaging, the better off you will be.

The messaging you do in your office is going to be a little bit different than the messaging you do at external talks or when you’re creating content for Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, but the principles of StoryBrand will help you tailor your message to whoever your audience is.

A regular patient has already passed the initial stage of just wanting to get out of pain or fix the problem that they have, and maybe they’re ready for that conversation around lifetime family wellness and how to optimize their nervous system. The StoryBrand framework works for whatever conversation you’re having with whatever audience you’re talking to; it’s just a matter of making sure you stay focused on the things they care about.

  • Clarify the message
  • Make it simple
  • Give them a clear call to action

Whether you’re talking to a patient who’s been in your office for years, out at a dinner with the doc, or creating content for your YouTube channel, you want to ensure you keep your audience in mind and how you can clarify that message.