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Should chiropractors use Google Ads to target conditions?

Not everybody will type in “chiropractor near me” because not everyone knows that chiropractic is the solution they need. People know what condition they have – they know they have knee pain, they know they have headaches, they know they have low back pain. If you have well-built pages on your website for those conditions, it could make sense to target them.

The problem is that there’s less volume for these conditions than for basic chiropractic services. Chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage are things that people are searching for with a high volume in any area because people already know that is the solution they’re looking for. If you’ve built your practice around a specific type of condition or patient, like pregnancy, pediatrics, athletes, or auto accidents, those things are worth targeting.

When people are doing condition-based searches, they’re in an information-gathering mode versus a ready-to-buy mode. This is why conversion numbers are much lower on conditions than services. Always max out the services you provide in the practice before you start working your way into conditions.