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Chiropractic Google Map Pack Guide 2022

By June 16, 2022December 22nd, 2022No Comments4 min read

Hey what’s up everybody, this is Dr. Nick with LVRG Media and today I want to talk to you about how to dominate the map pack even when somebody is not searching for a chiropractor.

Google Maps for Chiropractors

So most Google strategies for chiropractors focus around showing up when someone types in chiropractor near me or chiropractor, city state. Those are important, those are going to be the people that are you know, closest to the bottom of the funnel meaning they are like looking, those are those are buying keywords. Those are people that are ready to like make a decision and make a phone call.

There’s lots of other people that don’t even know that chiropractic is the solution to the problem that they have. And they might be typing in keywords that have nothing to do with chiropractic in their mind. But that chiropractic websites or web pages can show up and allow the map pack to be populated by chiropractors as well.

Google Map Pack Tips for Chiropractors

So for example, if someone is looking for, you know, TMJ treatment near me that actually is probably a bad one because Google really overvalues dentists for TMJ searches. But if you had a great TMJ pain, and you had reviews that talked about TMJ that you may actually show up in the map pack. But let’s do something a little bit easier, let’s say migraines.

So let’s say somebody types in migraine, natural treatment near me. If you have the best migraine page in town, you are going to be more likely to not only show up, number one in the organic listings, which is where like the URLs are. But you’re also going to be more likely to show up number one in the map pack.

So really creating good quality content on your website not only helps you on for the web pages to show up, but it also helps you on the map pack side of things. Your reviews also really matter in terms of the quality of those reviews. So the more keywords that are in the reviews that get left, the more likely your map, your Google business profile listing will show up in the map.

Now when you respond to the reviews, those keywords do not matter because they just know that you know business owners would just stuff it with keywords so those don’t make any difference. But the keywords that are used by the patients really do make a difference. Especially when we’re talking about conditions or services. So like, like if you do acupuncture if you have soft waiver, you do ART, like having those services and they’re just like having those conditions in there can really help you show up for those keywords.

Google Map Pack Guide for Chiropractors

So keep that in mind when you are when you’re building out your content when people are leaving you reviews. That you know the chiropractor, the chiropractor keyword searches are not the end all be all I mean, they’re great. But there’s lots of other people that don’t really know what the solution is that would be happy to come in if they knew that you could help with their problem.

And the better those pages are when they actually do see that you help that they’ll be likely to search out that page, watch the videos, read the content that you’ve written. And the more helpful you can be around those those conditions or those services or those types of patients, the better off you’re going to be. So hopefully this helps and we’ll see you on the next one.

Nick Silveri

Dr. Nick Silveri owns LVRG Media, a content marketing agency that services chiropractors who want to create great content that attracts qualified new patients.