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Chiropractic Marketing Strategy in 2022

By June 21, 2022February 19th, 2025No Comments4 min read

Do you wish your digital marketing strategy included more than just running a digital coupon on Facebook? Do you wish your patients knew more about what you did outside of the conditions that they have? Do you wish you weren’t so reliant on internal new patient referrals to keep your practice steady?

Chiropractic Lead Gen Strategy

My name’s Dr. Nick Silveri of LVRG Media and what I do is help chiropractors tell the story of their practice, how they can help their communities, and get that out into the places where people are looking, where they’re spending their time.

So I’m here at the Field of Dreams movie site. I came here with my dad last summer for the first Field of Dreams game. Great memories, but we forgot the gloves. And so we had to come back this summer to play catch because my dad was really upset that we didn’t get to play catch last time we were here.

We drove four hours each way and when I was researching this, I realized that you could rent the farmhouse.  As somebody who grew up loving baseball,  this movie had a lot of impact in my life, a lot of nostalgia. You know, father-son bonding. I have a great relationship with my dad. And so that story is what caused me to bring him out here last summer and bring him out here tonight.

Chiropractic Online Marketing

So why is story so important to your practice?  Well, there are a lot of people who don’t know what you do. And the only time they ever see you is when you’re forcing a $17 New Patient Special down their throat for the 5000th time (along with six other chiropractors in town doing the same thing).

Well when we help chiropractors create content, while doing paid ads, there’s still a need to be doing offers. There’s still a need to be trying, in the short-term,  getting people into the practice.   But in the long-term, what are you doing to build your brand? What are you doing to educate people on the things that you do?

Chiropractic Digital Marketing Strategy

So that’s what we do at LVRG Media to help chiropractors to not only build their brand, but to grow their practice. And try to attract more new patients, reactivate old patients, educate the patients that are in your practice. So that you don’t have to be so reliant on coupons on FB, and not so reliant on your patients building your practice.

So if you are interested in a digital marketing strategy that’s more than just running a coupon on FB, please click the link below. Schedule a strategy session with me. I will go through what I call your ”big five”: your website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube channel and your Google presence. And I’ll give you an idea of what to do right, what you’re doing wrong, opportunities might be missing out on. And I’ll talk to you a little bit about what LVRG Media does to help our chiropractors grow their practices and grow their influence. So I hope you love story as much as I do, and hopefully I’ll see you on a call soon.

Nick Silveri

Dr. Nick Silveri owns LVRG Media, a content marketing agency that services chiropractors who want to create great content that attracts qualified new patients.